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Colum Center

The Spine Center of Clínica Las Condes is dedicated to treating painful and debilitating conditions and injuries to the spine.

Your spine is an important part of your well being, allowing you to sit, stand, work and play. No one plans on a disease of the spine or an accident that causes trauma to your back, yet when your back hurts, your day to day life becomes difficult. Many types of back pain can be treated successfully which can help you lead a normal life.

Call the Spine Center for an evaluation if you have unusual pain or had an injury to your skeletal system.

Our team of spine specialists will help identify the cause of your pain and the condition you may be experiencing. We will then help prepare a customized treatment plan just for you. Our goal is to help you live life to the fullest extent possible.

Listen to your pain

Pain is your body’s signal that something is not right. Pain is an important health indicator and should be taken seriously.

You, for example may be suffering from pain right now and looking for possible answers to the causes of your back pain.

This section of our website is devoted to the most common causes of back pain, spinal diseases and deformities including:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Arm & Shoulder Pain
  • Leg Pain
  • Deformities of the Spine
  • Spinal Disease
  • Trauma to the Spine
  • Pregnancy & Back Pain


The Spine Center offers specialized treatments for acute and chronic back pain, spine diseases and trauma to the spine. Our world class physicians stay current on all the latest treatment options to bring you the best care possible.

After a comprehensive medical evaluation, our team of medical experts will create a unique treatment plan for your specific health condition and lifestyle.

We understand that each patient is unique and requires a specific treatment protocol. At the Spine Center of Clinica Las Condes we focus on your entire health profile, rather than on just the immediate symptoms or pain. Our goal is to help you achieve the best health possible.

Types of treatments offered at Clínica Las Condes:

  • Injections for Pain Management
  • Surgical Treatments for Spinal Diseases and Trauma
  • Non-Surgical Treatments
  • Alternative treatments for Spine Wellness

Enfermera del Centro de Columna: (56-2) 2610-8639
Gerente del Centro de Columna: (56-2) 2610-8617
Radiología: (56-2) 2610-8100
Ambulatorios: (56-2) 2610-8200




Dirección Académica
Edificio Azul
Piso 1


Horario de Atención

Lunes a viernes
de 8:30 a 18:00 hrs.