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Proyectos Fondecyt (n=8) Área Institución Responsable Título del proyecto Años
1. Dr. Alberto Fierro Inmunidad y Trasplante CLC Generation of human regulatory T cells able to inhibit specifically the allogeneic immune response to the direct and indirect presentation pathways. Abril 2012- Marzo 2016
2. Dr. Francisco López Cáncer de Cólon CLC Importance of the EGF signaling pathway, microsatellite instability and tumoral lymphocytic infiltrate, in the dvelopment of metastasis in patients with colon cancer 2011-2013
3. Dr. Rodrigo Quera Enf. Inflamatoria Intestinal CLC Role of ST2/IL33 system in mucosal inflammation an inflammatory bowel diseases patogenia. 2011-2014
4. Dra. Catherine Sánchez Cáncer de Próstata CLC Study of the role of secretory microRNAs from tumor stem cells in the mechanism of the primary and metastatic niche establishment in prostate cancer. Oct 2012- Sep 2015
5. Dr. Facundo Las Heras Células Msc cartílago CLC Sclerostin modulated mesenchymal stem cell derived chondrocytes facilitates cartilage repair. Oct 2013 - Sep 2016
6. Dr. Nicolás Crisosto Síndrome Ovario Poliquístico CLC Effect of testosterone on pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in pre-adipocytes from obese and non-obese women during reproductive age: a possible mechanism for insulin resistance in polycystic ovary syndrome. Oct 2013 - Sep 2016
8. Dr. Rodrigo Quera - Dra. Hermoso Enf. Inflamatoria Intestinal CLC Barts and the London School of medicine and dentistry. Blizard institute, Centre for Immunology and infectious disease 2013
PROYECTOS FONDECYT Colaborativos (n=6) Área Institución Responsable Título del proyecto Años
8. Dr. Rodrigo Quera - Dra. Hermoso Enf. Inflamatoria Intestinal CLC Cellular and molecular mechanism relevant in the interaction of clinical isolates of adherent invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) with epithelial cells or macrophages in Crohn´s disease. Abril 2012 - Marzo 2016
2. Dr. López - Dr. Melendez Cáncer colorrectal - EII Universidad Católica The role of CDC42-GTPase in mucosal inflammation and colorectal cáncer evolution. Abril 2012 - Marzo 2015
3. Dr. M. Uribe - Dra. Romanque Hepatocitos Universidad de Chile New technique to resect liver metastasis with insufficient future liver memnant volume: split in vivo in situ with portal vein ligation. mecanisms involved in liver volume gaining: shear stress or metabolic signaling? Abril 2013 - Marzo 2016
5. Dr. G. Errázuriz - Dra. Lucero Enfermedad celiaca Universidad de Chile A potentially modulating role of Helicobacter pylori on inflammation and tissue damage in patients with celiac disease. Octubre 2012 - Sep 2015
6. Centro Clínico del Cáncer - Dr. F. Salazar Inmunoterapia en cáncer Universidad de Chile Investigación y desarrollo de terapias biológicas optimizadas para tumores urológicos 2010-2015