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Pediatric Respiratory Diseases Center

The Pediatric Respiratory Center (CRP) at Clínica Las Condes is part of our Pediatrics Department and aims to deliver complete and comprehensive care for respiratory problems of childhood and adolescence.

The illnesses we treat include respiratory allergies in their various manifestations such as Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis, recurrent Obstructive Bronchial Syndrome in the infant, lower respiratory infections such as pneumonia and acute viral bronchiolitis, in addition to chronic diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis, primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and recurrent pneumonia and airway abnormalities.

Our center covers all ages from the preterm newborn with respiratory sequelae to congenital malformations of the airways and lungs, through adolescence, when smoking and allergies are a major cause for concern.

We have also created the Cystic Fibrosis Program, where we give comprehensive care to patients with this severe disease, working closely with other specialists such as gastroenterologists, nutritionists, geneticists, psychologists and nurses.





Dirección Académica
Edificio Azul
Piso 1


Horario de Atención

Lunes a viernes
de 8:30 a 18:00 hrs.