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The Down Syndrome Center

Down Syndrome Center Clínica Las Condes

Our team of Down Syndrome Center, wants to travel with you on this new path, full of challenges and great satisfaction. We want your child to reach the full potential of their abilities, this completing the process of growth and development in a comprehensive manner.

Therefore, the Center for Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, Clinica Las Condes, coupled with an interdisciplinary group of specialists, are available to answer all questions that arrise during the growth of your children.

Minimum interventions we provide:

  • Breastfeeding support.
  • Plan of early neurological stimulation, monitoring and development.
  • Research and management of associated malformations of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, among others.
  • Sensory evaluation: Early diagnosis of hearing and vision.
  • Diagnosis of hematologic disorders.
  • Management of endocrine disorders: thyroid disease or obesity.
  • Specialized dental management and checkups.



Dirección Académica
Edificio Azul
Piso 1


Horario de Atención

Lunes a viernes
de 8:30 a 18:00 hrs.